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Is your serialized operations team reactive or proactive? Are they constantly in “firefighting” mode, manually responding to data requests and queries by downloading, combining, and reviewing large volumes of data from multiple sources or endless XML event logs?
Or does your team have the ability to actively monitor serialized product shipments, lots, and individual serial numbers as they travel through your supply chain? Are they able to catch and troubleshoot issues early—before they affect product availability, inventory, and revenue goals?
Serialized Product Intelligence (SPI) is an advanced operational reporting solution that gives serialized operations teams and business users immediate visibility into their serialized supply chain through a user-friendly interface—no more scanning XML files—and without the need for IT resources or budget for configuration, deployment, or ongoing support. With SPI, companies can proactively monitor their serialized operations to detect potential disruptions before they interfere with business as usual.

SPI provides an end-to-end view of your entire serialization process, allowing you to respond to data requests and resolve issues quickly.
Pinpoint potential problems quickly with sophisticated search and filter tools
SPI replaces complex color-coded Excel™ spreadsheets and endless XML event logs with multi-level search and filtering capabilities down to the serial number level—including partial serial numbers. In as little as 30 minutes each day, teams can see the status of their serialized products at every event point in the supply chain, spot potential exceptions that may require action, and generate visual reports for managers and stakeholders.

SPI replaces complex spreadsheets with user-friendly filters and reports.
Proactively monitor lots commissioned by internal and external (CMO) sites for compliance issues. SPI’s “Monitor Commissioned Lots” feature enables you to quickly review data for commissioned products within a time frame that you specify—days, weeks, or months—and monitor actual commissioned and aggregated quantities by product, location, lot number, or target market.
Proactively validate the accuracy of aggregation data. In the past, stakeholders typically needed to download multiple XML files and manually examine them line by line to identify potential aggregation or hierarchy issues. With Serialized Product Intelligence, you can quickly pull up the most current aggregation data, examine it at every level of granularity, and verify that the data is accurate.
Proactively review and reconcile lots. Serialized Product Intelligence gives you a consolidated view of items in a given batch, lot, or pallet, as well as complete visibility into the status—commissioned, shipped, damaged, sampled, blocked, destroyed—of all serial numbers moving through the supply chain.
Actionable insights. Without the implementation headaches.
SPI provides out-of-the-box capabilities designed to provide you and your network of trading partners immediate visibility to near real-time data—and deliver measurable ROI for companies of all sizes and at all levels of operational complexity—with no IT resources. Contact TraceLink to learn more about Serialized Product Intelligence and to request a product demo.