Product overview
Gain real-time supply chain intelligence and increase agility by integrating with 100% of your 3PLs
TraceLink MINT for Logistics enables integration with 100% of your 3PLs at a fraction of the cost and time of EDI or point-to-point connections. A single connection to the TraceLink network enables the real-time exchange of the complete set of B2B transactions for 3PLs, including warehouse stock transfers, advance ship notices, and warehouse shipping orders, to provide up-to-date information and ensure accurate and on-time customer order fulfillment.
With MINT for Logistics, you can:
Logistics challenges
Real-time information exchange with 3PLs is needed to achieve high customer service levels
With the need to support customers in many countries, life sciences companies need for real-time integration with third-party logistics providers (3PLs) to achieve high customer service levels. Related challenges include:
Managing finished goods inventory
Real-time exchange of inventory balances and adjustments ensures product availability to meet market demand.
Managing finished goods inventory
Effective order fulfillment
Integrated POs and warehouse shipping orders with real-time shipping confirmations required to ensure high customer service levels.
Effective order fulfillment
3PL onboarding
Efficient and cost-effective onboarding of all 3PLs with real-time data exchange need to ensure consistency in order fulfillment.
3PL onboarding
Supply chain planning
The real-time exchange of POs, stock transfers, shipping orders, and inventory balances improves data for more accurate planning.
Supply chain planning
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Maintaining in-transit visibility
Real-time warehouse stock transfers and receipt advices required for visibility of in-transit inventory.
Globyz Biopharma CEO: TraceLink MINT Helps 3PLs Attract and Retain Customers

MINT for Logistics
Industry Voices
Transforming 3PL relationships
Customers and industry experts explain why integration between life sciences companies and 3PLs is critical and how TraceLink can help.
Customers and industry experts explain why integration between life sciences companies and 3PLs is critical and how TraceLink can help.