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As a manufacturer, your U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) compliance deadline is fast approaching. However, wholesale distributors are requiring manufacturers to send DSCSA EPCIS transactions now, and some wholesalers are preparing bids for alternative suppliers based on DSCSA readiness. Are you at risk of losing customers due to a lack of DSCSA readiness?
The good news is that TraceLink Product Track customers are much closer to DSCSA compliance than they may think. But customers need to act fast. Download our quick-start guide, "U.S. DSCSA 2023 Readiness: Rapid Path to Upgrading for EPCIS," to learn how to upgrade your Product Track solution for DSCSA compliance in just five simple steps.
Are you waiting for the FDA to provide more time?
The FDA has not communicated any intention to provide enforcement discretion to manufacturers for the exchange of DSCSA EPCIS transactions. While the Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) has submitted a proposed phased approach to the FDA, the HDA strongly recommends that the deadline for manufacturers remains November 27, 2023. Download our quick-start guide today and you will learn:
- How to easily transition to EPCIS file exchange from the current advanced shipment notices you are sending now.
- How to work with the TraceLink team to rapidly upgrade Product Track in a way that minimizes disruptions and ensures a smooth go-live.
- How the TraceLink Product Track solution helps manufacturers avoid the risks of noncompliance with DSCSA.
You'll also see how TraceLink manages most of the Product Track upgrade process for you. Fill out the form on this page to download the guide today.
Ready to begin your Product Track upgrade? Contact the TraceLink team to get started now.