Table of contents
The Serialized Shipment Notice message sends serialization data about a sales shipment and allows companies to communicate that information to Partners via Multienterprise Process Link. Use the EPCIS 1.2 format if your internal systems normally use this format.
If the Owner uses TraceLink as their serialization system of record and is sending the shipment to a Partner:
- The Owner sends a sales shipment through Serialized Operations Manager with a Sale - In Country or Sale - Export and the shipment contains product with one of the following target markets in product master data:
- Bahrain
- Brazil
- Indonesia
- Saudi Arabia
- South Korea
- Uzbekistan
of - Multienterprise Process Link generates a Serialized Shipment Notice and sends the Multienterprise Information Network Tower outbound Serialized Shipment Notice message to the receiving Partner.
If the Owner does not use TraceLink as their serialization system of record and is sending the shipment to a Partner:
- The Owner sends an inbound Serialized Shipment Notice message to Multienterprise Information Network Tower.
- TraceLink processes the Multienterprise Information Network Tower message and delivers it to the receiving Partner.
If a Partner is sending the shipment to the Multienterprise Information Network Tower Owner that uses TraceLink as their serialization system of record:
- The Partner sends an Multienterprise Information Network Tower Serialized Shipment Notice message to Multienterprise Information Network Tower.
- TraceLink processes the Multienterprise Information Network Tower message and delivers it via outbound Serialized Shipment Notice to the Owner.

Message Types:
Multienterprise Information Network Tower Display Name:
- Serialized Shipment Notice
Transform Versions:
- MPC_STE_EPCIS_SerializedShipmentNotice_1_2_IB_V4
- MPC_STE_EPCIS_SerializedShipmentNotice_1_2_OB_V5
Element | Occurs Length | Type | Description | ||||||||||
epcis:EPCISDocument | - | 1…1- | Required. The EPCIS message root element. | ||||||||||
@schemaVersion | 0/* | 1…1Decimal | Required. The version of the EPCIS schema used to populate the EPCIS document elements. Valid value is 1.2 . | ||||||||||
@creationDate | 1/* | 1…1DateTime | Required. The date and time of the Standard Business Document's creation (i.e. the GMT create date and time for the EPCIS message). The system expects the Z to be appended. However, if the Z is not included, the system assumes that the time is GMT and therefore appends the Z (e.g. 2021-12-18T22:08:02Z). | ||||||||||
EPCISHeader | - | 0…1- | Required. The XML file control header. This message supports the following use cases:
| ||||||||||
sbdh:StandardBusinessDocumentHeader | - | 1…1- | Required. The business header information, including the EPCIS header version, sender and receiver information, and the document identification. | ||||||||||
sbdh:HeaderVersion | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. The version of the Standard Business Document Header (SBDH). Valid value is 1.0 . | ||||||||||
sbdh:Sender | - | 1…1- | Required. The unique identification key for the organization that created the standard business document. This group must be used only once in this message, even though GS1 supports multiple. | ||||||||||
sbdh:Identifier | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. A GLN, SGLN, or any other supported company identifier (e.g. 1100001014507). SGLNs and all other identifier types should be sent with a GS1-conformant uri prefix (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:088202.867701.0, GLNs should not have a uri prefix. | ||||||||||
@Authority | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. The sender identifier type. TraceLink recommends using a Valid values:
| ||||||||||
sbdh:Receiver | - | 1…1- | Required. The unique identification key for the organization that receives the standard business document.This group must be used only once in this message, even though GS1 supports multiple. | ||||||||||
sbdh:Identifier | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. A GLN, SGLN, or any other supported company identifier (e.g. 1100001014507). SGLNs and all other identifier types should be sent with a GS1-conformant uri prefix (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:088202.867701.0, GLNs should not have a uri prefix. | ||||||||||
@Authority | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. The receiver identifier type. TraceLink recommends using a Valid values:
| ||||||||||
sbdh:DocumentIdentification | - | 1…1- | Required. The information that identifies the standards used in the message. | ||||||||||
sbdh:Standard | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. The name of the document standard contained in the file or message. Valid value is EPCglobal . | ||||||||||
sbdh:TypeVersion | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. The version of the document included. This value is the complete version of the document itself and is different from the HeaderVersion. Valid value is | ||||||||||
sbdh:InstanceIdentifier | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. A reference identifier that uniquely identifies this instance of the Standard Business Document between the sender and the receiver and confirms this document as being distinct from others (e.g. 201609201745200001). | ||||||||||
sbdh:Type | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. The document type. Valid value is Events . | ||||||||||
sbdh:CreationDateAndTime | 0/* | 1…1DateTime | Required. The date and time of the Standard Business Document's creation (i.e. the GMT create date and time for the EPCIS message). The system expects the Z to be appended. However, if the Z is not included, the system assumes that the time is GMT and therefore appends the Z (e.g. 2021-12-18T22:08:02Z). | ||||||||||
extension | - | 0…1- | The header extension with master data attributes. | ||||||||||
EPCISMasterData | - | 0…1- | The master data extension header, which can contain product master data attributes for the commissioning event and address information for the business and ship parties. Full GS1 conformance requires that all product and party master data be stored in the EPCIS header extension EPCISMasterData | VocabularyList | Vocabulary | VocabularyElementList | VocabularyElement. GS1 strongly recommends that all product master data for commissioning events be sent in the VocabularyElement within the EPCISMasterData header extension. | ||||||||||
VocabularyList | - | 1…1- | Required. The vocabulary list of master data elements. | ||||||||||
Vocabulary | - | 0...*- | The looping vocabulary element with discrete product master data element groups. Vocabulary occurs only once for all product master data entries present in the message, if the list is populated. | ||||||||||
@type | - | 1...1- | Conditionally required if master data elements are present. The vocabulary type that identifies product master data elements. Product master data is defined by VocabularyElement | @id. Valid value is | ||||||||||
VocabularyElementList | - | 0…1- | The list of vocabulary elements containing master data attributes for each unique packaging code. | ||||||||||
VocabularyElement | -jgo | 1…*- | The looping vocabulary element identifying each unique GTIN, NTIN, or CN-Rescode packaging code for product master data embedded in the serial numbers from the commissioning event. To conform with GS1 standards, master data attributes should be sent in the VocabularyElement. Each unique GTIN, NTIN, or CN-Rescode embedded in the serial numbers from the commissioning event must be sent in one instance of VocabularyElement. | ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. The packaging code type and value of the product master data entry being sent in the VocabularyElement loop. This @id must match the packaging code embedded in the serial number of the commissioning event:
The legacy http format continues to be supported: | ||||||||||
attribute | 0/* | 0…1String | Conditionally required if product master data attributes are sent in VocabularyElement. The first attribute, which defines the packaging level. ![]()
| ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. Identifies the first attribute as the packaging level. Valid value is | ||||||||||
attribute | 0/* | 0…1String | The second attribute, which defines the internal material number value from the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's internal system (e.g. 10037). To include this attribute, the third attribute of the current loop must be | ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. Identifies the second attribute as the internal material code. Valid value is | ||||||||||
attribute | 0/* | 0…1String | Conditionally required if the first attribute pair is populated. The third attribute, which identifies the second attribute as the internal material number. Valid value is The sequence of elements for the internal material number is:
| ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. Identifies the second attribute as the internal material code, in combination with the attribute | @id of the second attribute. Valid value is | ||||||||||
attribute | 0/* | 0…1String | The fourth attribute, which defines the country drug code value (e.g. 82025030221). The country drug code type is identified by the fifth attribute in the current loop where the attribute | @id is | ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. Identifies the fourth attribute as the country drug code value. Valid value is | ||||||||||
attribute | 0/* | 0…1String | Conditionally required if the fourth attribute pair is populated. The fifth attribute for the country drug code type (e.g. FDA_NDC_11). This attribute must follow the attribute with the country drug code value. The following qualifiers have been defined by GS1 as additional trade item types (i.e. item codes):
To identify these additional trade item types, set attribute | @id to The sequence of fields for a country drug code is:
| ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. Identifies the fifth attribute as the country drug code type. Valid values:
| ||||||||||
Vocabulary | - | 0…*- | Looping vocabulary with discrete party (i.e. company and Partner) master data element groups. Vocabulary will occur once for each sold from, ship from, sold to, and ship to party. | ||||||||||
@type | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. The vocabulary type that identifies location master data elements. The master data entry is defined by VocabularyElement | @id. Valid value for all types of party master data is The master data for the sold from, ship from, sold to, and ship to parties for the shipment event are all included in the Vocabulary. The sourceList and destinationList in the shipment event refer back to this master data with identifiers. | ||||||||||
VocabularyElementList | - | 0…1- | The list of vocabulary elements that include all party master data. The identifiers and address information are stored in multiple instances of the looping VocabularyElement group. | ||||||||||
VocabularyElement | - | 1…*- | Required. The looping vocabulary element that identifies each unique company and location master data entry, including identifier values, identifier types, and address information. The following parties should be included for the shipping event:
This message supports master data lookup. If company or Partner master data is available in TraceLink, send identifiers in the sourceList or destinationList for the shipment event and do not include address data in any VocabularyElement group to look up the master data in TraceLink. | ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. The SGLN or other identifier value and type of the party master data entry being sent in the VocabularyElement loop (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:088202.867701.0). The @id must match the sourceList or destinationList party in the shipping event from one of the following elements:
The identifier type must include a valid urn or http string prefix, defined by GS1 or TraceLink. ![]()
| ||||||||||
attribute | 0/* | 1…1String | Conditionally required if the second attribute is present. The looping attribute pair that provides the value of the following master data information. Add one instance of the attribute pair for each master data field included. | ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Conditionally required if the first attribute is present. Identifies the master data field that the value in the first attribute is for, using a urn or http prefix. ![]()
| ||||||||||
attribute | 0/* | 1…1String | Conditionally required if the first attribute is present. The looping attribute pair that provides the value of the following master data information:
Add one instance of the attribute pair for each identifier included. Additional identifiers must be sent in a double attribute combination. The sequence must be:
For example:
| ||||||||||
@id | 0/* | 1…1String | Conditionally required if the second attribute is present. Identifies the master data field that the value in the second attribute is for, using an urn or http prefix. Valid values:
| ||||||||||
EPCISBody | - | 1…1- | Required. The body of the message with the EPCIS events. | ||||||||||
EventList | - | 1…1- | Required. The EventList has the following structure:
TraceLink recommends using the following order of events if all are present to avoid conflicts in processing:
| ||||||||||
choice%1 | - | 1…*- | Required. Only one of the following choices options can be entered in any one loop of the EPCISBody | EventList:
| ||||||||||
ObjectEvent | - | 0…*- | Choice 1 for the EventList, representing the commission event. Set the following values to indicate that the ObjectEvent is for commission:
| ||||||||||
eventTime | 1/* | 1…1DateTime | Required. The date and time when the event occurred. The eventTime must include a time zone indicator and indicate seconds (e.g. 2016-10-01T22:08:02.0Z). Milliseconds default to 0 for efficiency and smaller file sizes because serial numbers can be grouped together when the event times are the same. | ||||||||||
eventTimeZoneOffset | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. The time zone offset in effect at the time and location where the event occurred, consistent with the timezone used for the eventTime (e.g. -04:00). . | ||||||||||
epcList | - | 1…1- | Required. The list of serial numbers commissioned. | ||||||||||
epc | 1/* | 1…*String | Required. The EPC identifier for the serial number in EPC Pure Identity URI format. ![]()
| ||||||||||
action | 0/* | 1…1String | Required.The standard GS1 action for the event. Valid value for the commission event is | ||||||||||
bizStep | 0/* | 0…1AnyURI | Required.The standard GS1 business step of the event. Valid value for the commission event is | ||||||||||
disposition | 0/* | 0…1AnyURI | Required.The standard GS1 disposition for the event. Valid value for the commission event is | ||||||||||
readPoint | - | 0…1- | The location where the event occurred, specifically where the barcode was scanned, if applicable. | ||||||||||
id | 0/* | 1…1AnyURI | Required. The SGLN of the location where the serial numbers were commissioned (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.12345.RP1). This SGLN can be at the location level or a more specific storage space (e.g. a specific shelf within the warehouse). | ||||||||||
bizLocation | - | 1…1- | Required. The business location where the event occurred. | ||||||||||
id | 1/* | 1…1AnyURI | Required. The SGLN or BR_CNPJ of the location where the serial numbers were commissioned (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.12345.RP1). This SGLN can be at the location level or a more specific storage space (e.g. a specific shelf within the warehouse). | ||||||||||
extension | - | 0…1- | The main extension body for the commission event. | ||||||||||
ilmd | - | 0…1- | The item-level (i.e. each-level) master data specific to the products being commissioned. | ||||||||||
cbvmda:lotNumber | 0/20 | 0…1String | The lot or batch number for the serialized product (e.g. ABC123). | ||||||||||
cbvmda:itemExpirationDate | 0/* | 0…1Date | The expiration date for the serialized product in the lot, in YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g. 2023-12-31). | ||||||||||
AggregationEvent | - | 0…*- | Choice 2 for the EventList, representing the aggregation event. Set the following values for the AggregationEvent:
| ||||||||||
eventTime | 1/* | 1…1DateTime | Required. The date and time when the event occurred. The eventTime must include a time zone indicator and indicate seconds (e.g. 2016-10-01T22:08:02.0Z). Milliseconds default to 0 for efficiency and smaller file sizes because serial numbers can be grouped together when the event times are the same. | ||||||||||
eventTimeZoneOffset | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. The time zone offset in effect at the time and location where the event occurred, consistent with the timezone used for the eventTime (e.g. -04:00). | ||||||||||
parentID | 1/* | 1…1AnyURI | Required.The serial number of the parent container in EPC Pure Identity URI format (e.g. for an each-to-case aggregation, the serial number of the case). ![]()
| ||||||||||
childEPCs | - | 1…1- | Required. The list of serial numbers for the child items in the parent container in EPC Pure Identity URI format (e.g. for an each-to-case aggregation, the serial numbers of the eaches). | ||||||||||
epc | 1/* | 1…*String | Required. The serial number in EPC Pure Identity URI format. ![]()
| ||||||||||
action | 1/* | 1…1String | Required.The standard GS1 action for the event. Valid value for the aggregation event is | ||||||||||
bizStep | 0/* | 0…1AnyURI | The standard GS1 business step of the event. Valid value for the aggregation event is urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:packing . | ||||||||||
disposition | 0/* | 0…1AnyURI | The standard GS1 disposition for the event. Valid value for the aggregation event is urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:in_progress . | ||||||||||
readPoint | - | 0…1- | The location where the event occurred, specifically where the barcode was scanned, if applicable. | ||||||||||
id | 0/* | 1…1AnyURI | Required. The SGLN or BR_CNPJ of the location where the serial numbers were aggregated (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.12345.RP1). This SGLN can be at the location level or a more specific storage space (e.g. a specific shelf within the warehouse). | ||||||||||
bizLocation | - | 1…1- | Required. The business location where the event occurred. | ||||||||||
id | 0/* | 1…1AnyURI | Required. The SGLN or BR_CNPJ of the location where the serial numbers were aggregated (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.12345.RP1). This SGLN can be at the location level or a more specific storage space (e.g. a specific shelf within the warehouse). | ||||||||||
ObjectEvent | - | 1…1- | Required. Choice 3 for the EventList, representing the shipment event. Set the following values to indicate that the ObjectEvent is for shipment:
| ||||||||||
eventTime | 1/* | 1…1DateTime | Required. The date and time when the event occurred. The eventTime must include a time zone indicator and indicate seconds (e.g. 2016-10-01T22:08:02.0Z). Milliseconds default to 0 for efficiency and smaller file sizes because serial numbers can be grouped together when the event times are the same. | ||||||||||
eventTimeZoneOffset | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. The time zone offset in effect at the time and location where the event occurred, consistent with the timezone used for the eventTime (e.g. -04:00). | ||||||||||
epcList | - | 1…1- | Required. The list of serial numbers for the top-level parent containers (e.g. pallets, cases) in the shipment. | ||||||||||
epc | 1/* | 1…*String | Required. The serial numbers of the child items in the parent container in EPC Pure Identity URI format. ![]()
| ||||||||||
action | 0/* | 1…1String | Required.The standard GS1 action for the event. Valid value for the shipment event is OBSERVE . | ||||||||||
bizStep | 0/* | 0…1AnyURI | Required.The standard GS1 business step of the event. Valid value for the shipment event is urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:shipping . | ||||||||||
disposition | 0/* | 0…1AnyURI | Required.The standard GS1 disposition for the event. Valid value for the shipment event is urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:in_transit . | ||||||||||
readPoint | - | 0…1- | The location where the event occurred, specifically where the barcode was scanned, if applicable. | ||||||||||
id | 0/* | 1…1AnyURI | Required. The SGLN or BR_CNPJ of the location where the serial numbers were shipped (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.12345.RP1). This SGLN can be at the location level or a more specific storage space (e.g. a specific shelf within the warehouse). | ||||||||||
bizTransactionList | - | 0…1- | Conditionally required if the bizStep is urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:shipping . The list of business transaction identifiers for the documents associated with the shipment. | ||||||||||
bizTransaction | 0/* | 1…*AnyURI | Required. The business transaction identifier value for the Advance Ship Notice (ASN), invoice, or purchase order (PO) governing this shipment. The GLN of the party that issued the document (e.g. if a customer issues the PO number, the customer GLN; if a supplier issues an ASN or delivery number, the supplier GLN), must be included before the transaction identifier value with the URN or HTTP prefix. For example, the full bizTransaction, including the @type, looks like this: Either a delivery number or ASN is required. A Nota Fiscal Electronica is also required for Brazil. All other transaction identifier types are optional, although TraceLink recommends including a PO number as well. | ||||||||||
@type | 1/* | 1…1String | Required. The type of transaction identifier. Valid values:
| ||||||||||
extension | - | 1…1- | The main extension body for the shipment event. The source and destination lists are optional even if party master data is stored in the VocabularyElement in the EPCISMasterData extension in the message header. | ||||||||||
sourceList | - | 1…1- |
Conditionally required if the shipment is a transfer or sale:
Optional if the shipment is a transfer or sale:
The source list identifies the sending business, location, and transportation carrier. sourceList supports one of two options:
| ||||||||||
source | 0/* | 1…*String | Required. The identifier type and value for the sold from party, ship from party, or transportation carrier (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:088202.867701.0). This identifier either:
If the ship from party is the same as the sold from party, the ship from identifier does not need to be sent. ![]()
| ||||||||||
@type | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. Indicates whether the source identifier is for the sold from party, ship from party, or transportation carrier. Valid values:
| ||||||||||
destinationList | - | -- | Conditionally required if the shipment is a transfer or sale:
Optional if the shipment is a transfer or sale:
The destination list identifies the receiving business and location. destinationList supports one of two options:
| ||||||||||
destination | 0/* | 1…*String | Required. The identifier type and value for the sold to or ship to parties (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:033333.101365.0). This identifier either:
If the ship to party is the same as the sold to party, the ship to identifier does not need to be sent. ![]()
| ||||||||||
@type | 0/* | 1…1String | Required. Indicates whether the destination identifier is for the sold to or ship to party. Valid values:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<epcis:EPCISDocument xmlns:gs1ushc="" xmlns:sbdh="" xmlns:cbvmda="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda" xmlns:epcis="urn:epcglobal:epcis:xsd:1" schemaVersion="1.2" creationDate="2022-04-08T08:30:21Z" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:epcglobal:epcis:xsd:1 file:///C:/workspace-git/maps_xml_schema/opus_schema/compliance/transaction/EPCIS-1_2/EPCglobal-epcis-1_2.xsd">
<sbdh:Identifier Authority="GS1">GLN:2014121506066</sbdh:Identifier>
<sbdh:Identifier Authority="GS1">GLN:0489903104013</sbdh:Identifier>
<Vocabulary type="urn:epcglobal:epcis:vtype:EPCClass">
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:864917916.5006.*">
<attribute id="">EA</attribute>
<attribute id="">US_NDC542</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#additionalTradeItemIdentification">01559506921</attribute>
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:864917916.5006.*">
<attribute id="">CA</attribute>
<attribute id="">US_NDC542</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#additionalTradeItemIdentification">01559506921</attribute>
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:864917916.5006.*">
<attribute id="">PL</attribute>
<attribute id="">US_NDC542</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#additionalTradeItemIdentification">01559506921</attribute>
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:864917916.5006.*">
<attribute id="">PK</attribute>
<attribute id="">US_NDC542</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#additionalTradeItemIdentification">01559506921</attribute>
<Vocabulary type="urn:epcglobal:epcis:vtype:Location">
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:id:sgln:3014121.50606.2">
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name">W1YETH INDUSTRIA FARMACEUTICA LTDA Sender </attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne">AVENIDA CECI, BLOCO III PARTE 58 1900</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressTwo">Lina1 Calle</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city">BARUERI</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state">Para Que</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode">US</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#postalCode">06460-120</attribute>
<attribute id="">MD Logistics 'r Us AddressObjGUID_123</attribute>
<attribute id="">MD Logistics 'r Us HouseGUID_456</attribute>
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:id:sgln:04899031.0401.0">
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name">W2YETH INDUSTRIA Receiver </attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne">AVENIDA CECI, BLOCO III PARTE 58 1900</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressTwo">Lina2 Calle</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city">BARUERI</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state">Para Que</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode">BR</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#postalCode">06460-120</attribute>
<attribute id="">MD Logistics 'r Us AddressObjGUID_123</attribute>
<attribute id="">MD Logistics 'r Us HouseGUID_456</attribute>
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:id:sgln:04899031.0404.0">
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name">W3YETH FARMACEUTICA LTDA Ship To </attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne">AVENIDA CECI, BLOCO III PARTE 58 1900</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressTwo">Lina3 Calle</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city">BARUERI</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state">Para Que</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode">BR</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#postalCode">06460-120</attribute>
<attribute id="">MD Logistics 'r Us AddressObjGUID_123</attribute>
<attribute id="">MD Logistics 'r Us HouseGUID_456</attribute>
<VocabularyElement id="urn:epc:id:sgln:2014121.50606.2">
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name">I4NDUSTRIA FARMACEUTICA Ship From</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne">ROD BRANCO KM 32,5 S/N</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressTwo">SF Street2</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city">ITAPEVI</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state">SP</attribute>
<attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode">BR</attribute>
<bizTransaction type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:btt:desadv">urn:epcglobal:cbv:bt:MINTSS28MAR2</bizTransaction>
<bizTransaction type="">urn:epcglobal:cbv:bt:MINTSS28MAR2</bizTransaction>
<source type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party">urn:epc:id:sgln:3014121.50606.2</source>
<source type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:location">urn:epc:id:sgln:2014121.50606.2</source>
<destination type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party">urn:epc:id:sgln:04899031.0401.0</destination>
<destination type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:location">urn:epc:id:sgln:04899031.0404.0</destination>

Element | Error message | Description | Inbound (IB) or outbound (OB) |
Class 1 | |||
VocabularyElement | @id | Item code is required in source VocabularyElement[@id] !!! | The VocabularyElement | @id must include the packaging codes from the commission event. | IB |
SGTIN or NTIN or CN-EDMC in VocabularyElement id is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB | |
VocabularyElement | attribute | Valid packagingLevel code required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB |
Only one product item code value is supported !!! | Only one product item code can be included for each product master data entry. | IB | |
Packaging Level is required if header master data is populated !!! | If master data is included in the VocabularyElement, a packaging level must be included. | IB | |
Only one country drug code is supported !!! | Only one country drug code can be included for each product master data entry. | IB | |
VocabularyElement | @id | Valid suppllier business party identifier type is required !!! | The URN or HTTP prefix embedded in the supplier party identifier must be a valid prefix format. | IB/OB |
VocabularyElement | attribute | Valid additional business party identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB |
Sold from business party name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | IB | |
Sold from party business name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | OB | |
Sold from business party street address is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne , then a street address must be specified. | IB | |
Sold from party business street address is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne , then a street address must be specified. | OB | |
3-digit numeric District code required for country India !!! | If the ship from or ship to country in the shipment event is India, a 3-digit numeric district code must be specified. | IB/OB | |
Sold from business party state or region is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is | IB | |
Sold from party state code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | OB | |
Sold from business party country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is | IB | |
Valid Sold from business party country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is | IB | |
Valid sold from party country code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | OB | |
VocabularyElement | Ship from party info required in VocabularyElement if present in sourceList !!! | If the ship from party identifier exists in the sourceList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that ship from party with the same identifier. | IB |
VocabularyElement | @id | GLN party type not supported. SGLN is required !!! | The VocabularyElement | @id for the ship from party cannot be a GLN. Any other identifier type is accepted. | IB |
Valid ship from business party identifier type is required !!! | The URN or HTTP prefix embedded in the ship from party identifier must be a valid prefix format. | IB | |
Valid ship from location identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB | |
VocabularyElement | attribute | Valid additional location identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB |
Ship from business party name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is | IB | |
Ship from location name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | OB | |
Ship from location street address is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is | IB/OB | |
Ship from location city name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city , then a city must be specified. | IB/OB | |
3-digit numeric District code required for country India !!! | If the ship from or ship to country in the shipment event is India, a 3-digit numeric district code must be specified. | IB/OB | |
Ship from location state or region is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | IB | |
Ship from location state code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | OB | |
Ship from location country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then a 2-digit ISO country code must be specified. | IB | |
Valid Ship from location country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | IB | |
Valid ship from location country code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | OB | |
VocabularyElement | Sold to party identifier is required !!! | If the sold to party identifier exists in the destinationList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that sold to party with the same identifier. | IB |
VocabularyElement | @id | GLN party type not supported. SGLN is required !!! | The VocabularyElement | @id for the sold to party cannot be a GLN. Any other identifier type is accepted. | IB |
Valid sold to business party identifier type is required !!! | The URN or HTTP prefix embedded in the sold to party identifier must be a valid prefix format. | IB/OB | |
VocabularyElement | attribute | Valid additional business party identifier type is required !!! | The additional identifier type specified must be one of the valid values. | OB |
Sold to party business name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | IB/OB | |
Sold to business party street address is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne , then a street address must be specified. | IB | |
Sold to business party city is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is | IB | |
Sold to party city name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city , then a city must be specified. | OB | |
3-digit numeric District code required for country India !!! | If the ship from or ship to country in the shipment event is India, a 3-digit numeric district code must be specified. | IB/OB | |
Sold to business party state or region is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | IB | |
Sold to party state code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | OB | |
Sold to business party country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then a 2-digit ISO country code must be specified. | IB | |
Valid Sold to business party country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | IB | |
Valid sold to party country code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | OB | |
VocabularyElement | Ship to party info required in VocabularyElement if present in destinationList !!! | If the ship to party identifier exists in the destinationList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that ship to party with the same identifier. | IB |
VocabularyElement | @id | GLN party type not supported. SGLN is required !!! | The VocabularyElement | @id for the ship to party cannot be a GLN. Any other identifier type is accepted. | IB |
Valid ship to business party identifier type is required !!! | The URN or HTTP prefix embedded in the ship to party identifier must be a valid prefix format. | IB | |
Ship to location identifier is required !!! | If the ship to party identifier exists in the destinationList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that ship to party with the same identifier. | OB | |
Valid ship to location identifier type is required !!! | The URN or HTTP prefix embedded in the ship to party identifier must be a valid prefix format. | OB | |
VocabularyElement | attribute | Valid additional location identifier type is required !!! | The additional identifier type specified must be one of the valid values. | OB |
Ship to business party name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | IB | |
Ship to location name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | OB | |
Ship to location street address is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne , then a street address must be specified. | IB/OB | |
Ship to location city is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city , then a city must be specified. | IB | |
Ship to location city name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city , then a city must be specified. | OB | |
3-digit numeric District code required for country India !!! | If the ship from or ship to country in the shipment event is India, a 3-digit numeric district code must be specified. | IB/OB | |
Ship to location state or region is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | IB | |
Ship to location state code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | OB | |
Ship to location country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then a 2-digit ISO country code must be specified. | IB | |
Valid Ship to location country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | IB | |
Valid ship to party country code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | OB | |
VocabularyElement | Carrier party info required in VocabularyElement if present in sourceList !!! | If the carrier party identifier exists in the sourceList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that carrier party with the same identifier. | IB |
VocabularyElement | @id | GLN party type not supported. SGLN is required !!! | The VocabularyElement | @id for the carrier party cannot be a GLN. Any other identifier type is accepted. | IB |
Valid carrier business party identifier type is required !!! | The URN or HTTP prefix embedded in the ship to party identifier must be a valid prefix format. | IB/OB | |
Carrier business party identifier is required !!! | If the carrier party identifier exists in the sourceList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that carrier party with the same identifier. | OB | |
VocabularyElement | attribute | Valid additional carrier business party identifier type is required !!! | The URN or HTTP prefix embedded in the carrier party identifier must be a valid prefix format. | OB |
Carrier business party name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | IB | |
Carrier party business name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name , then a business name must be specified. | OB | |
Carrier business party street address is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne , then a street address must be specified. | IB | |
Carrier party business street address is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOne , then a street address must be specified. | OB | |
Carrier business party city is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city , then a city must be specified. | IB | |
Carrier party city name is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#city , then a city must be specified. | OB | |
3-digit numeric District code required for country India !!! | If the ship from or ship to country in the shipment event is India, a 3-digit numeric district code must be specified. | IB/OB | |
Carrier business party state or region is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | IB | |
Carrier party state code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#state , then a state or region must be specified. | OB | |
Carrier business party country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then a 2-digit ISO country code must be specified. | IB | |
Valid Carrier business party country is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | IB | |
Valid Carrier party country code is required !!! | If the attribute | @id for this pair is urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode , then the country code must be one of the valid values. | OB | |
epcList | epc | Invalid EPC format !!! | The serial numbers specified do not use valid EPC Pure Identifier format. | IB |
Valid serial number format is required !!! | The serial numbers specified do not use valid EPC Pure Identifier format. | OB | |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | bizStep | bizStep urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning is required for ObjectEvent commissioning !!! | At least one ObjectEvent must have the bizStep set to | IB |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | disposition | Disposition urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:active is required for ObjectEvent commissioning !!! | If the bizStep for the ObjectEvent is | IB |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | bizLocation | id | Event location in the commissioning event is required !!! | This element must have a value specified. | IB |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | extension | ilmd | cbvmda:lotNumber | Lot number is required !!! | This element must have a value specified if the serial number is a GTIN, NTIN, or CN-Rescode. | IB/OB |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | extension | ilmd | cbvmda:itemExpirationDate | Expiration date is required !!! | This element must have a value specified if the serial number is a GTIN, NTIN, or CN-Rescode. | IB |
tl:packagingLevel | Packaging Level is required !!! | This element must have a value specified if the serial number is a GTIN, NTIN, or CN-Rescode. | IB |
tl:productionLineId | Production line ID for China product is required !!! | This element must have a value specified if the serial number is a CN-Rescode. | IB |
Production line ID is required for China product !!! | This element must have a value specified if the serial number is a CN-Rescode. | OB | |
tl:lineManagerName | Line manager name for China product is required !!! | This element must have a value specified if the serial number is a CN-Rescode. | IB |
LineManagerName is required for China product !!! | This element must have a value specified if the serial number is a CN-Rescode. | OB | |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | tl:commissionEventExtensions | tl:internalMaterialCode | Either InternalMaterialCode or CountryDrugCode is required !!! | Either an internal material code or a country drug code must be specified for the commission event if the serial numbers are a GTIN, NTIN, or CN-Rescode. | OB |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | tl:commissionEventExtensions | tl:countryDrugCode | Either country drug code or internal material code is required !!! | Either an internal material code or a country drug code must be specified for the commission event if the serial numbers are a GTIN, NTIN, or CN-Rescode. | OB |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | tl:commissionEventExtensions | tl:countryDrugCode | @type | Country drug code type is required if country drug code is populated !!! | If tl:countryDrugCode is present, this element must have a value specified. | OB |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | tl:commissionEventExtensions | tl:packagingItemCode | @type | Valid Item Code Type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB |
Product type attribute is required when source ItemCode is populated !!! | If tl:packagingItemCode is specified, then a @type must also be specified. | OB | |
ObjectEvent for commissioning events | tl:commissionEventExtensions | tl:packagingLevel | @type | Packaging code in source PackagingLevel is required !!! | This element must have a value specified. | OB |
AggregationEvent | parentID | Invalid EPC format !!! | The serial numbers specified do not use valid EPC Pure Identifier format. | IB |
Valid parent serial number format is required !!! | The serial numbers specified do not use valid EPC Pure Identifier format. | OB | |
AggregationEvent | childEPCs | epc | Valid serial number format is required !!! | The serial numbers specified do not use valid EPC Pure Identifier format. | OB |
AggregationEvent | bizStep | bizStep urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:packing is required for the AggregationEvent !!! | The AggregationEvent must have the bizStep set to | IB |
AggregationEvent | disposition | Disposition urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:in_progress is required for the AggregationEvent !!! | The AggregationEvent must have the disposition set to | IB |
AggregationEvent | bizLocation | id | Event location in the aggregation event is required !!! | This element must have a value specified. | IB |
tl:aggregationEventExtensions | @orderItemNumber | Order item number is required if serial number is present !!! | An @orderItemNumber must be present for each serial number in AggregationEvent | childEPCs | epc. | IB |
ObjectEvent for shipping events | Shipping event data is required !!! | One ObjectEvent must be for a shipment event. | IB |
Only one shipping event is required !!! | Only one ObjectEvent for a shipment event can be present. | IB | |
ObjectEvent for shipping events | epcList | epc | Invalid EPC format !!! | The serial numbers specified do not use valid EPC Pure Identifier format. | IB |
Valid serial number format is required !!! | The serial numbers specified do not use valid EPC Pure Identifier format. | OB | |
ObjectEvent for shipping events | bizStep | bizStep urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:shipping is required for ObjectEvent shipping !!! | One ObjectEvent must have the bizStep set to | IB |
ObjectEvent for shipping events | disposition | Disposition urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:in_transit is required for ObjectEvent shipping !!! | One ObjectEvent must have the disposition set to | IB |
ObjectEvent for shipping events | bizTransactionList | Biz transaction list is required in shipping event !!! | If the ObjectEvent is for the shipment event, this element must have a value specified. | IB |
ObjectEvent for shipping events | bizTransactionList | bizTransaction | @type | Valid bizTransaction type is required if bizTransaction is populated !!! | If bizTransaction is present, then this element must have a value specified. | IB |
Transaction identifier type required if TransactionIdentifier populated !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB | |
SourceList | source | Valid sold-from business lookup identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB |
Ship-from party identifier must match an identifier in VocabularyElement[@id] !!! | If the ship from party identifier exists in the sourceList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that ship from party with the same identifier. | IB | |
Valid ship-from business lookup identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB | |
Carrier party identifier must match an identifier in VocabularyElement[@id] !!! | If the carrier party identifier exists in the sourceList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that carrier party with the same identifier. | IB | |
Valid carrier business lookup identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB | |
destinationList | destination | Valid sold-to business lookup identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB |
Ship-to party identifier must match an identifier in VocabularyElement[@id] !!! | If the ship to party identifier exists in the destinationList, then there must be a VocabularyElement for that ship to party with the same identifier. | IB | |
Valid ship-to business lookup identifier type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB | |
tl:shippingEventExtensions | shippingEventExtensions required if shipping event populated !!! | If the ObjectEvent is for the shipment event, this element must have a value specified. | IB |
tl:shipToCountryCode | Valid ISO country code for ship-to country is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB |
Valid ShipTo Country Code is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB | |
tl:shipFromCountryCode | Valid ISO country code is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB |
Ship from country for export products is required !!! | If tl:salesDistributionType is EXPORTSALE , EXPORTTRANSFER , or EXPORTRETURN , then this element must have a value specified. | IB | |
Valid ShipFrom Country Code is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB | |
tl:salesDistributionType | Valid sales distributionType is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB |
Valid Sales Distribution Type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB | |
tl:epcOrderItemList | @orderItemNumber | Order item number is required if serial number is present !!! | The error occurs if the source is missing and tl:epcOrderItem is present and matches an epc value. | IB |
tl:OrderItemList | tl:orderItem | choice1 | One of internalMaterialCode or packagingItemCode is required !!! | Either an internal material code or a packaging code must be specified for the order item. | IB/OB |
tl:OrderItemList | tl:orderItem | tl:internalMaterialCode | One of InternalMaterialCode or PackagingItemCode is required !!!
| Either an internal material code or a packaging code must be specified for the order item. | OB |
Either country drug code or internal material code is required !!! | Either an internal material code or a country drug code must be specified for the order item. | IB/OB | |
tl:shippingEventExtensions | tl:packagingItemCode | @type | Valid Item Code Type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | OB |
tl:OrderItemList | tl:orderItem | tl:unitPrice | @currencyCode | Valid ISO currency code is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB |
Valid Currency Code is required if Unit Price exists !!! | If tl:unitPrice is present, then this element must have a value specified. | OB | |
tl:OrderItemList | tl:orderItem | tl:vat | @currencyCode | Currency Code is required if VAT is present !!! | If tl:vatPrice is present, then this element must have a value specified. | OB |
tl:OrderItemList | tl:orderItem | tl:grossPrice | @currencyCode | Currency Code is required if grossPrice is present !!! | If tl:grossPrice is present, then this element must have a value specified. | IB |
Currency Code is required if GrossPrice is present !!! | If tl:grossPrice is present, then this element must have a value specified. | OB | |
tl:OrderItemList | tl:orderItem | tl:transactionIdentifier | @type | Valid business transaction type is required !!! | This element must be specified as one of the valid values. | IB/OB |
Class 3 | |||
The following is error returns for all Class 3 errors: “INTERNALERROR=Internal error from server [server details].” Contact TraceLink Support if this error returns. |