I believe that this is the most awesome product ever built, the most awesome platform ever built. And clearly the best ever for supply chains.
And it's a platform that's win-win for everybody, right? The fact that you can have this single shared view, working with your partners. And just think about when you go to a partner and you want to bring them on board and everyone's always resistant and they say, "Hey, should I join? Should I not join?"
But the value proposition for them is amazing. First of all, it's free. Other companies say, "Oh, you have to pay depending on how much volume you do, how many invoices you send, the value of those invoices."
No, it's free. It's completely free for them. And they get, on top of that, we do the integration with them. We say, "OK, tell us how you want to integrate." That's free from us. We say, "OK, you don't have a particular format that's right for you." The TraceLink Network Success Team will go build that, go onboard them.
And on top of that, we will, for the customers, run a program that will go onboard all these partners and help them come on board.
Then the partner can then, if anybody asks them and said, "Hey, I want to integrate with you via EDI," or somebody else comes in and says, "Oh, I want to integrate with you via my Oracle system," or "I want to integrate with you via Edifact."
The partner has now just done their last integration into TraceLink and maybe forever, because the partner can just say, "Hey, just go to TraceLink." I've already integrated into TraceLink and I'm not paying anything. And if you want to get on TraceLink with your EDI system, you can join for 600 bucks a year. That's it. For three transactions.
The partner has a great deal. Any sort of reports, anything that you do, they get to see. So you can have the shared scorecard with them and everything else like that. They get a Network Success Manager that anyone calls up and wants to integrate with them, we do the work. What an awesome value proposition for them.
And what we know is that once we get a partner, they start to see that awesome value. Well, I really want to become a customer, too. Because I see the fact that I want reports and dashboards. I want to bring on my own partners. I have my own orchestrations that I want to integrate. That's how we build the network on an ongoing basis.