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End-to-end supply chain digitalization requires more than just processing transactions—it demands understanding the relationships and orchestrations behind them. In this clip, Shabbir Dahod, President & CEO of TraceLink, explains how the TraceLink OPUS platform and MINT enable companies to digitalize complex flows, from external manufacturing to logistics and much more.
Watch now to see how TraceLink enables end-to-end digitalization of transaction flows across all orchestrations and use cases, then watch the full keynote for more insights.
What we did was we said, "OK, let's go ahead and create a platform, OPUS, that enables us to build an application and solution, MINT, that enables us to digitalize all the transaction flows on an end-to-end basis. And that we can do that in a manner in which every participant with every single use case with every single type of orchestration on an end-to-end basis can be digitalized.
But that's a lot of work. So, we've got to have a platform that can enable us to do this really fast because otherwise, we'll be spending a lot of time doing it one by one. So, we look through all the different entities that you work with, the types of relationships you have, what we call "orchestrations.'
And the orchestrations are between dispensers, direct material suppliers, etc., contract manufacturers, going to wholesale distributors, and everyone you orchestrate with in a particular way. And some people do it a little bit differently than with each other. And so we analyze all of those different transactions that participate in that orchestration and how you use them because sometimes the same transaction is used in a different way, right?
So, that same EDI transaction in one orchestration that works in order to help you with external manufacturing works a little differently when you're doing BMI. So, those types of things have to be accounted for. So, we do really think of the semantics of what you're doing, not just the information that's being in the file formats themselves.
And so then what we did was we basically went through, leveraging the power of the OPUS Platform, and we built out, for each one of those particular orchestrations, all the different transaction types that are necessary. And those have become available, and we did that in a very short period of time.
So, the actual transaction and the definition of those transactions was earlier this year. So, we did all what we term as the 'canonicals' for them. And then with the power of the OPUS Platform, in a very short period of time, within three months, we actually were able to create all the UIs and the digitalization of all of them simultaneously.
And out of the box, you get IDoc support, X12 support, UI support, out of the box with MINT. So, that just comes with the product and you can continue to add more and more. We're doing Netsuite support. Soon we'll be doing Microsoft Dynamics.
So, out of the box in our catalog are all these capabilities and the platform enabled us to build all of this at an incredibly fast pace.