XTT Link Actions
XTT Link Actions provides a generic, extensible framework for direct, automated communication between external systems and TraceLink’s Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT) solution. A Link Action consists of three pieces: JavaScript to make API calls to or from an external system, a transform to map the data to or from TraceLink’s required canonical format, and configuration parameters.
For example, if a Partner using NetSuite wants to exchange B2B messages (e.g. purchase orders) with the Owner of MINT, XTT Link Actions will receive the inbound B2B message from NetSuite and convert it to TraceLink’s canonical format. MINT processes the B2B message and responds via XTT Link Actions where the outbound B2B message is again converted into a format that is applicable to the Partner using NetSuite.
Consider the table below to determine if a Link Action best fits your needs: