Table of contents
Suppliers use price sales catalogs to communicate information about on product prices, discounts, promotions, and sales terms, ensuring buyers are informed about any pricing changes and special offers with buyers.
Create and submit an price sales catalogs
Perform this task to create and submit price sales catalogs.

- Select a [MPL Network] from the drop-down in the header.
- Select a (e.g. your entire company or a Link to a specific Partner or internal location) in the header.
- Select
Partners must have the correct roles assigned by using the owner's instance of Multienterprise Information Network Tower.
from the left menu. - Select .
- Select the New
- On the New Price Sales Catalogs screen, fill in the following fields:
- field – A unique identifier assigned to a price sales catalog. This field auto populates the value entered in New Price Sales Catalog screen.
- field – The version number of the price sales catalog.
- field – The date when price sales catalog transaction is created.
- field – The type of the price sales catalog.
Select the Save
The screen refreshes with the saved price sales catalog in the draft state.
- In the Catalog Information section, fill in the following fields:
- field – . A unique identifier assigned to a price sales catalog.
- field – The version number of the price sales catalog.
- field – The date when price sales catalog transaction is created.
- field – The type of the price sales catalog.
- field – The name of the manufacturer, supplier, or distributor responsible for creating and distributing the catalog.
- field – The total number of line items in the price sales catalog.
- field – The start date of the price sales catalog.
- field – The end date of the catalog.
- field – A brief description stating the purpose of the transaction.
- In the Manufacturer and Supplier section, fill in the following fields under Manufacturer group:
The remaining Manufacturer fields are auto populated with the values from the company or location's master data entry. If the name of the company is not present in the Owners master data, the company name must be entered manually.
type-ahead field – The name of the company producing the goods. This field pulls from the Owner's company and location master data.- field – The address of the particular location.
- field – Any additional address information.
- drop-down – The two-letter country code with country name for this location.
- field – The state or region for this location.
- field – The city for this location.
- field – The postal code for this location's main address.
- field – The company or location's phone number.
- field – The company or location's fax number
- drop-down – The identifier type used for this company or location.
- field – The value associated with the identifier type.
- In the Manufacturer and Supplier section, fill in the following fields under Supplier group:
The remaining Supplier fields are auto populated with the values from the company or location's master data entry. If the name of the company is not present in the Owners master data, the company name must be entered manually.
type-ahead field – The name of the company supplying the goods. This field pulls from the Owner's company and location master data.- field – The address of the particular location.
- field – Any additional address information.
- drop-down – The two-letter country code with country name for this location.
- field – The state or region for this location.
- field – The city for this location.
- field – The postal code for this location's main address.
- field – The company or location's phone number.
- field – The company or location's fax number
- drop-down – The identifier type used for this company or location.
- field – The value associated with the identifier type.
In the Distributor and Customer section, fill in the following fields under Distributor group:
The remaining Distributor fields are auto populated with the values from the company or location's master data entry. If the billing address is not present in the Owners master data, the billing address must be entered manually.
type-ahead field – The name of the company who will create or share the price sales catalog with the customers. This field pulls from the Owner's company and location master data.- field – The address of the particular location.
- field – Any additional address information.
- drop-down – The two-letter country code with country name for this location.
- field – The state or region for this location.
- field – The city for this location.
- field – The postal code for this location's main address.
- field – The company or location's phone number.
- field – The company or location's fax number
- drop-down – The identifier type used for this company or location.
- field – The value associated with the identifier type.
In the Distributor and Customer section, fill in the following fields under Customer group:
The remaining Customer fields in the section are auto populated with the values from the company or location's master data entry. If the billing address is not present in the Owners master data, the billing address must be entered manually.
type-ahead field – The name of the retailer who will receive the catalog and place an order of goods through a Purchase Order. This field pulls from the Owner's company and location master data.- field – The address of the particular location.
- field – Any additional address information.
- drop-down – The two-letter country code with country name for this location.
- field – The state or region for this location.
- field – The city for this location.
- field – The postal code for this location's main address.
- field – The company or location's phone number.
- field – The company or location's fax number
- drop-down – The identifier type used for this company or location.
- field – The value associated with the identifier type.
- In the Line Items section:
- Select the Add
icon. At least one line item is required to submit a price sales catalog.
In the New Line Item panel, fill in the following fields under Item Information:
- field – The number to identify the line item by (e.g. 50).
The , and fields are auto populated with the values from the Owner's product master data entry for the product. If the product is not present in the Owner's product master data then the product name must be entered manually. field – The name of the product. If the user enters an item code instead, the field automatically displays the corresponding item name.- field – The product code type (e.g. IN-Product Code). If the item code type is not present in the Owner's product master data then the item code type must be entered manually.
- field – The product code. If the item code number is not present in the Owner's product master data then the item code value must be entered manually.
- field – A brief description of the product. If the description is not present in the Owners product master data then the description must be entered manually.
- field – The name of the reporting location.
- field – The unit in which the line item is measured.
- field – The price that each unit of the product sells for.
- field – The total cost of the line item calculated by multiplying the by the .
- drop-down – The lot number of line item.
- field – The line item's expiration date.
- drop-down – The name of the storage location.
- field – The sub lot number of line items.
- drop-down – The type of reporting. (e.g GLN)
- field – The value of the reporting type. (e.g GLN number)
- switch – Indicates whether the product is exempted.
- field – The start date of the exemption status validity for the line item.
- field – The end date of the exemption status validity for the line item.
- field – The code list qualifier for the line item's exemption status.
- field – The industry code associated with the line item's exemption status.
- field – The date when the physical inventory count is conducted in the warehouse.
- Select
The new line item is added to the price sales catalog.
. - To add new pricing condition information to a line item, select a item line row and then select the branch
icon and fill in the following fields under Discount Information:
- field – The discount criteria for the line item.
- field – The percent discount for the line item
- field – The quantity required to qualify for the discount on the line item.
- field – The discounted unit price for the line item.
- field – The start date of the discount condition for the line item.
- Select
The discount information is added to line item.
. - Select the line item row drop down to view the discount information in a table.
- Select the Add
- In the Notes section, enter any additional comments or instructions.
To submit the price sales catalog:
To save the price sales catalog in a Draft state and finish it later, ensure the button is not selected and then select the Save
button in the draft state.
Select the
button at the top of the screen.The submit status indicator circle is filled in with green to indicate the desired action upon selecting save.
Select the Save
The price sales catalog is submitted.
- In the Line Items section, do one of the following:
- Select the Edit
icon, to edit the details of an individual line item.
- Select the Delete
icon, to delete an individual line item.
- Select the Edit
- In the Notes section, do one of the following:
- Select the Add
icon, to add comments or instructions.
- Select the Delete
icon, to remove comments or instructions.
- Select the Add

Perform this task to complete and submit a saved (draft) price sales catalog.
- Select a [MPL Network] from the drop-down in the header.
- Select a (e.g. your entire company or a Link to a specific Partner or internal location) in the header.
- Select
Partners must have the correct roles assigned by using the owner's instance of Multienterprise Information Network Tower.
from the left menu. - Select .
- Filter to find a price sales catalog in the Draft state.
- Select from the filter results.
Select the Edit
- In the Transaction Information section, select Submitted from the drop drown.
Select the
button at the top of the screen.The submit status indicator circle is filled in with green to indicate the desired action upon selecting save.
Select the Save
The price sales catalog is submitted.
- To edit the details of an individual line item, select the Edit
icon for the line item. in the Line Item section.
To delete a price sales catalog in draft state, select the catalog number row and then select the Delete
icon on the top of the screen.
A deleted transaction cannot be retrieved.
Search and view price sales catalog

Perform this task to search for and view price sales catalog sent by suppliers. Viewing the details of a prices sales catalogs enables suppliers to quickly access order information (e.g. the quantity for each line item in an order) in TraceLink without having to search through the actual B2B message.
- Select a [MPL Network] from the drop-down in the header.
- Select a (e.g. your entire company or a Link to a specific Partner or internal location) in the header.
- Select
Partners must have the correct roles assigned by using the owner's instance of Multienterprise Information Network Tower.
from the left menu. - Select .
- Select the Filter
- In the Filters panel, fill in one or more of the following fields to filter the results:
- field – The name of the product. If the user enters an item code instead, the field automatically displays the corresponding item name.
field – The name of the company or the company location name.
inventory update:
drop-down – The state of the- Draft – The transaction is in the draft state.
- Submit – The transaction has been created.
- Processing – The application is getting ready to handle incoming transactions by doing some initial tasks, such as copying the files it receives.
- Processed – The application changes the standard information into a format that is easy to use and specific to your transaction.
- Preparing to Send – The application is getting ready to send out a transaction and is doing some initial tasks, like copying the necessary information for the process.
- Sending –The application sends out business transactions to the buyer or supplier.
- Sent – The transaction is successfully completed and shared with the receiving party.
field – The date when transaction was created or issued.
If the name of the customer is not present in the Owners master data then the customer's name must be entered manually type-ahead – The name of the customer the price sales catalog was sent to.- materials issued was last updated:
- Today – The transaction was modified within the last few hours.
- Yesterday – The transaction was updated within the past 24 hours.
- Last Week – The transaction was modified in the last 7 days.
- Last Month – The transaction was modified in the last 30 days.
- Last 3 Months – The transaction was modified in the last 90 days.
- Last 6 Months – The transaction was modified in the last 180 days.
- Custom Range – Select a specific period of time that the transaction was modified in from the calendar.
field – The period of time in which the
.A list of price sales catalog displays based on the filter results.
Select the link for the price sales catalog from the results table.
The View Price Sales Catalogs screen displays.
- View all the fields in the Transaction Information, Catalog Information, Manufacturer and Supplier, Distributor and Customer, Line Items, and Notes sections.
For detail information about these fields, see Create and submit a price sales catalog.
- To view the details of an individual line item in the prices sales catalogs, select the View
icon for the line item in the Line Items section on the Price Sales Catalog Details screen.
Resubmit price sales catalog

Perform this task if the user needs to resend a price sales catalog.
- Select a [MPL Network] from the drop-down in the header.
- Select a (e.g. your entire company or a Link to a specific Partner or internal location) in the header.
- Select
Partners must have the correct roles assigned by using the owner's instance of Multienterprise Information Network Tower.
from the left menu. - Select .
- Filter to find a price sales catalog in the Draft state.
- Select the in the results table.
- Select the Edit
The state of the price sales catalog is automatically moved to Sending state.
Select the
button at the top of the screen.The submit status indicator circle is filled in with green to indicate the desired action upon selecting save.
Select the Save
The price sales catalog is submitted.